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May 07, 2008



Just beautiful :)


Beautiful! You did a fantastic job! I would love to learn enough about photography to be able to take even pictures... maybe someday...


That should have said "event" pictures not "even" pictures... sigh...


You have SO got that photog-thing going on! I saw your photographs of a leaky roof and I said, "That girl could photograph ANYTHING." Wedding-Schmedding. That's a piece o' (wedding) cake for you, Toots.



Beautiful pictures...I especially love "the secret".You are far too modest !!Breathtaking!!

the vintage pearl

Your pics are beautiful! I can see why they asked you to capture their memories!!!

Angela Johnson

Cam doesn't have your email address on him, so I thought in good stalking fashion I would leave you a note! I'm Angela, your soon to be step-sister-in-law. Cam and I are praying that YOU will do our wedding photographs December 13th in Parkersburg...he JUST informed me that he hasn't even asked you yet!!! He also thought we could order flower-girl dresses from you...so, I'd love to touch base with you and find if we can employ your artistry in some fashion or another!....hope all is well! Looking forward to getting an email from you!--angela

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