A couple of weeks ago, the Stinky One found a little swimming thing during an otherwise routine father-daughter paddle boat excursion. I am, I will admit, somewhat wary of things found on daddy-Stink excursions in our pond, but this particular found thing turned out to be a fat little tadpole.
A true naturalist would likely study the little guy, and then put him back in his own environment. We, however, (and by we, I mean me) are hunting desperately for things to do while not watching TV so we googled "raising tadpoles" instead.
disclaimer: If you are a tadpole rights activist, please scroll to the next picture.
Those of you with honed powers of observation will note with interest the tiny jar placed strategically beside our frog habitat. La Stink put it there for use during water changing. She was very careful to catch him in the little jar before changing his water.
Because I judged myself a dexterous and capable gal, I proceeded with significantly less caution and because I seem, with the advent of Stink's Summer o' Fun, to be especially gifted at traumatizing the poor miss, proceeded to pour the tadpole down the drain. (gasp)
Before you all begin to picket and chant, please know that I was, consequently tried and found guilty of accidental frogicide, and sentenced to finding more tadpoles for raising. So I googled "finding tadpoles" and, with girl in tow, dutifully went a-hunting.
Turns out, frogs lay their eggs in round gelatinous masses full of hundreds of eggs. They lay them in still, shady waters close to shore. They were not, in the early weeks of June, difficult to ferret out.
We gathered a bunch and waited.
We have 8 of these pudgy little swimmers. I'll keep you all updated.
As a side note, the girl swears she saw the lost 'pole in the toilet. (is that even possible? and if it is, has he truly returned to seek his frogish revenge? Stay tuned for more of Stink's Summer o' Fun or - the Frogman Come-ith.)
The end of the school year and these first fickle weeks of summer have seen some interesting going-ons in the House of Stink.
First, this fellow:
attended the Senior Prom with his sweetheart (a pleasantly cheeky, witty miss) while this person:
the actual senior, announced that she would rather dine on a pre-prom meal of stiletto shoes and sequins than drag her sweetheart (a quiet musical type) to the dance.
She did, however, do this senior thing:
with quiet musical boy attending dutifully.
She did not wear this particular chapeau; that colorful thing is a Seuss cap professing in dizzying psychedelia, her graduation theme: "Oh, the places she'll go!"
The end of the year also brought to a near close this adventure for the big girl:
If you "YouTube", hunt "In 500 Words or Less", you'll find a clip of our big girl (and her wonderful mom). Throughout this past year, she has been participating in a documentary following several seniors (and their families) from across the nation through their last year and all it entails. They don't have the big girl's individual clip up yet (though there are three or four others up for your viewing pleasure). Discovery Channel, MTV, and National Geographic have all expressed interest - I'll update more as I learn.
Which brings us to this little person:
Our littlest Gal Stink has, with the onset of warmer, school-less days, begun (albeit not joyfully) her own journey. Following the first two days of summer vaca, when the Stinky one's eyeballs grew dry from boob-tube overload, and she began calling me "MA-ther" - just like that - I declared, (because it is my job and duty as her parent to find ways to make her thoroughly miserable), the television zone to be a "No STINK LAND". Let us, for the sake of this blog, call this time, "Stink's Summer o'Fun" or "92 days with (very) limited TV".
She's totally loving it. *snort*
and then there is me; the Mother of all Stinks. I am honestly, not at all sure what gets into me sometimes. I was just sitting at the table, going through three days of mail, spooning my post Lunch Ben and Jerry's snack-o-snack when I came upon a purple mailer for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's "Team in Training". I looked at that purple flier with its glowing sweaty faced folks beaming out at me and thought. Now that's what I'll do!
So I am. On September 14, I will be participating in the Nation's Triathlon in Washington, DC.
You can go here to read all about it and join in. Okay, you don't actually have to go pounding the mean streets of Dutch Country *snort*, but, good news, you can contribute to my (GASP! ACK!) commitment of $2700 to the Society and to the support of cancer research, by clicking on my donation termopeter ;) I knew you'd love that part ;)