So I have to admit, being new to this blog thing, when I learned that I had been "tagged" by amazing Jen of Ivy-Rose fame, I had a sudden, vivid and somewhat disturbing image of me, huddled among bovine behinds, wearing cattle tags for earrings.
Having since been relieved of this concept and informed of the true nature of "tagging", I follow with the prescribed "Posting of the Rules":
1. I was neither born, nor even a glimmer in my mother's eye when my husband graduated from highschool.
2. I have enormous potential to be that eccentric old woman that lives back the lane.
3. I am NEVER lost, only "adventuring" (on a side note to this #3, yesterday, the gal and I had to attend my nephew's birthday party at some way back, god forsaken camp. Our Stink, as our trip began to extend past the promised "1/2 hour drive" asked, "Mom, are we lost?" "psshaw", I scoffed, "of course not! We're only on an adventure!"
She was quiet for a bit, our girl, before she said, thoughtfully, sweetly, "Mom, have I told you how much I hate adventuring?" - Obviously her father's child. thpppt.
4. Due to directional challenges and unforseen calls to adventure (see #3), I am, almost compulsively, late. (I am not proud of this, and have really, genuinely tried to change; I tell you in all truth, the whole darn universe conspires against me, and I have since given up the plight.)
5. I cannot, for any amount of money, eat lima beans.
6. Though I hide my wart well, I am an evil stepmother. My two "big kids" introduce me this way when I allow them out of the locked attic. Further, if I feed them something other than burnt toast and water (Please see #7), they threaten to report me to the ESA (Evil Stepmothers Assoc.). Rotten brats. *snort*
7. I am a DREADFUL cook. I burn EVERYTHING! I have melted tea kettles, charcoaled bake goods, and asked my poor family to ingest meals that were, depending on the food, somewhere between inedible, and complete toxic waste. blech.
So, one of the downfalls to this "new kid on the blog" thing is... tagging seven?! I'm not even sure that many folks READ my blog! ;)
Nancy, Susan, Teri, Susan, Lisa and new blog friends, Nicole, and Kristen
I think that about covers it - I am now taking the tag from my ear - thanks Jen - that was kinda' fun ;)